TDG Exemptions – Why not use them?

 In Product Safety, TDG

By: Kirsten Alcock, Manager of Product Safety, email

Dangerous Goods in Canada are required to be shipped in accordance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods – otherwise known to most of us as TDG.  As all shippers know, shipping a product as Dangerous Goods can be very expensive so why not take advantage of the exemptions that exist in the regulations? Any chance to save some money is worth it in our opinion.

According to the TDG regulations, if your product does not sustain combustion, the product is not included in Class 3, Flammable liquids.  The reference can be found here.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Talk to your internal chemists about your formulations. If there is a belief that your product may NOT sustain combustion, you can take advantage of this. YOU MUST TEST AND PROVE THIS, HOWEVER.  This can be part of your Proof of Classification report.  Our lab has the capability of testing your product for sustained combustibility. Contact us for more details. Not only can we test your product, but we can help you classify it for shipping based on the results of this test or other tests that we have available at Dell Tech.

For further information on classification and testing services for transportation, please contact:
Dell Tech
Kirsten Alcock, B.Sc. (Hons) 
Manager, Product Safety Group

Dell Tech has provided professional, confidential consulting services to the chemical specialty

industry in Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia for the last 40 years.

Contact us today for more information.

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