Dell Tech will assist you with trusted and accurate ingredient disclosure for your product label and online content.
Ingredient Disclosure
The California Cleaning Product Right To Know Act (CPRTKA) applies to household, institutional, commercial, concentrates and ready-to-use (RTU), air care, automotive care, cleaning, polish and floor maintenance products. It has requirements for online and on label ingredient disclosure.
The Act requires on-label disclosure in one of 2 formats:
- Disclose each intentionally added ingredient that is on any one of 23 designated lists & each fragrance allergen present at or above 0.01% (100 ppm).
- Disclose all intentionally added ingredients and the statement “contains fragrance allergen(s)” of fragrance allergens present at or above 0.01% (100 ppm).

The Act requires online disclosure including:
All intentionally added ingredients.
- All fragrance components and fragrance allergens when present at or above 0.01% (100 ppm).
- Any of 34 non-functional constituents listed in the Act when present at or above 0.01% (100 ppm).
- CAS# for each ingredient.
- Function of each ingredient.
- Links to the designated list any ingredients appears on.
Dell Tech has 2 solutions for companies needing to meet the ingredient disclosure requirements for SB 258.
The first option is a label review. By providing our team with your product’s complete formula, we’ll save you time by searching ingredients against all of the 23 Designated Lists under the California CPRTKA using a single tool. With these results, we will provide you with:
- 2 options for label content disclosure
- Online disclosure requirements, including acceptable chemical nomenclature, function of the ingredient(s), designated list the ingredient(s) are listed on, if any, and direct links to the relevant designated list(s).
The second option is a custom search tool. By providing our team with a complete list of the CAS#s in your product(s), we will customize the search tool for your independent use. This tool includes:
- Universal Results: all CAS# against all lists with CAS #, acceptable nomenclature and ingredient function
- A Searchable Table where you can enter a formula based on your CAS# list which will generate the label and online disclosure for that formula

Frequently Asked Questions about Ingredient Disclosure:
What is Ingredient Disclosure and what are the regulations that apply?
Ingredient disclosure refers to the practice of transparently listing all the components and substances used in a product’s formulation. There are typically requirements for ingredient disclosure on product labels and supporting documentation, as well as marketing materials and online resources.
Ingredient disclosure falls under CPRTKA, officially known as the California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 (SB 258). It was signed into law in October 2017 and came into effect on January 1, 2020. The purpose of this law is to provide consumers and workers with more information about the ingredients in the cleaning products they are using. It aims to promote transparency and allow individuals to make informed choices regarding the products they use.
What does the SB-258 require for on-label ingredient disclosure?
The Act specifies that there are two formats for on-label disclosure. The first is to disclose each intentionally added ingredient that is found on any of the Designated Lists, and each fragrance allergen present at or above 0.01% (100 ppm). The second format is to disclose all intentionally added ingredients with the statement “contains fragrance allergen(s)”.
What does SB-258 require for online ingredient disclosure?
The Act requires all intentionally added ingredients to be disclosed online. This includes:
- All fragrance components and fragrance allergens when present at or above 0.01% (100 ppm);
- Any of the 34 non-functional constituents listed in the Act when present at or above 0.01% (100 ppm);
- CAS#s for each ingredient;
- Function of each ingredient; and
- Links to the designated lists that ingredients appear on.
How can Dell Tech help with ingredient disclosure?
Dell Tech has a number of options available to meet the ingredient disclosure requirements for SB 258. The first option is a label review against the Designated Lists; and the second option is with a custom search tool. For both of these, you will need to provide a complete list of the CAS#s in your product(s). Talk to our team for more information about how we can customize these options to meet the needs of your business.
Learn More about Ingredient Disclosure Search Tool
Demonstration Video
The tool only works with CAS#. It does not search by text or class of compounds. So categories such as “nickel compounds”, “mercury compounds” or similar categories that are listed on Prop 65, California Toxic Air Contaminants, and/or California Non-Cancer Hazards cannot be found with this tool.
The tool defaults that all Prop 65 listed non-functional constituents will trigger a product warning pursuant to Prop 65.