PMRA Annual Sales Reporting and Application for Reduced Annual Fees

 In Pesticides, Regulatory Affairs

By: Gorby Sandhu, Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist, email

Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) oversees the regulation of pest control products, otherwise known as pesticides. In addition to evaluating the health or environmental risks of a product before allowing it to go to market, the PMRA requires that companies with pesticides sold in Canada complete an annual report on their volumetric sales.

What is Annual Sales Reporting?

In accordance with the Pest Control Products Sales Information Reporting Regulations, registrants with products registered by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency  are required to report the quantity of pesticide made available for sale on an annual basis. This mandatory reporting of sales is called PMRA Annual Sales Report.

Note: These annual reports are different from the type of incident reporting that may be required under different regulations, such as the Food and Drugs Act.

Changes in 2023

As of April 1, 2023, Health Canada implemented a new approach for PMRA reporting.

  • The PMRA no longer follows up with registrants who do not submit their volumetric sales report by the June 1st deadline.

Each year, the PMRA sends a one-time notice to Registrant Contacts in the middle of February to complete their annual report  for the past fiscal or  calendar  year. This is the only notification a company receives during the reporting period to complete the requirements.

pmra reporting

Enforcement Actions

Registrants who fail to submit their volumetric sales report by the June 1st deadline will be subject to enforcement actions under the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA) that may include:

  • Warning letters
  • Compliance orders
  • Court orders
  • Recommendation to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada for prosecution

Fees, Reduced Rates and Deadlines

PMRA applies an annual charge of about $4,000 per registration. These fees increase by 2% each year. If a Registrant has made fewer sales, they can apply for reduced annual fees. PMRA sends Annual Charge Packages to registrants at the end of February each year. The deadline to apply for reduced fees is April 1st of each year. 

How Dell Tech Can Help with PMRA Reporting

Dell Tech  will assist you with completing and submitting the PMRA annual sales reporting form, as well as other reporting requirements or options like the  PMRA annual charge reduction package. Many of our clients name Dell Tech as the Regulatory Contact on their submissions to the PMRA so that we receive the notification for annual reporting on their behalf, and can ensure they meet the deadline each year.

We can also assist you in navigating the other regulatory requirements that Health Canada mandates for your pest control product. While the PMRA does make comprehensive guidance documents available to the public, the regulations are complex, so Dell Tech is here to walk you through each step of the process.

Dell Tech has provided professional, confidential consulting services to the specialty chemical 

industry in Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia for the last 40 years.



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