Importance of Proper Consumer Labelling Amidst Health Canada Recall Blitz

 In Product Safety, Regulatory Affairs


In recent months we have noticed an increased number of recalls released by Health Canada for products that have improper labelling. These recalls have varied from missing hazard information to improper child-resistant closures and warnings.

The Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 (CCCR, 2001) outlines all required language that must be present on a product label if the product falls under any of the hazard categories outlined in this set of regulations. Additionally, the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations contains information on net quantity requirements, appropriate units of measurement, etc. Anytime you have a formulation change, a new size package, or a new label design it is very important to review the information to ensure you are following the requirements in these regulations.

It is important to follow the requirements under the CCCR, 2001 to remain in compliance for sale in Canada but also to ensure all any hazard information is conveyed to your consumers to prevent or reduce the possibility of injury.

Please also keep in mind that if you are in touch with a Health Canada officer for a potential recall or recall notice it is very important to provide them any applicable information that is being requested in a timely manner.

If you need guidance on product classifications, label reviews, or managing a recall, Dell Tech is always happy to assist!




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