Health Canada Launches Canadian Safety Pledge for Consumer Products and Cosmetics

 In Amazon Compliance, CCCR, Consumer Products, Cosmetics, Personal Care Products, Product Safety, Regulatory Affairs


September 23, 2023: Health Canada announced the launch of the Canadian Product Safety Pledge for Consumer Products and Cosmetics (“the Pledge”).

The Pledge asks online retailers to voluntarily support set of 14 commitments. These commitments intend to help ensure consumer safety as online shopping for cosmetics and other consumer products becomes more popular.

Already, the Pledge has been signed by eBay Canada and Amazon Canada.

Dell Tech is committed to supporting companies in maintaining their responsibilities to keep Canadian consumers safe. Our expertise in consumer chemical labelling, CEPA evaluation for cosmetics and hazard classification testing are just a few of the key ways Dell Tech can assist you.

Services include:

Contact Dell Tech today to learn how our team can help your business with Health Canada compliance.

Businesses can take the Pledge by contacting Health Canada.




Dell Tech has provided professional, confidential consulting services to the specialty chemical 

industry in Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia for the last 40 years.


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