Which Flash Point Method Should My Product Be Tested With?

 In Laboratory Services

By: Katherine Hatherley, Lab Technician, email

It depends on the purpose of the testing.

If you need your test results to be compliant with the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 (CCCR), then you need to use the test method that the regulation prescribes. In other words, if the flash point result is being used to determine your product’s flammability for a CCCR label, the regulation prescribes the exact method Health Canada expects you to use.

In the CCCR, you’ll see that the flash point method to be used in testing liquid products is determined by the viscosity of the liquid. Samples with a viscosity less than 5.8 mm2/s at 37.8°C are tested with ASTM D56, and liquids with a viscosity of 5.8 mm2/s or more at 37.8°C are tested with ASTM D93. Learn more about ASTM D56 and ASTM D93 here.

The flash point of solids, pastes, or gels is determined using ASTM D56.

If you need your test results to classify your product for a GHS compliant SDS/label, both methods could be used. The only difference between the methods is that the ASTM D93 apparatus (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester) applies a mixing motion to the sample during heating and therefore the Flash point determination is more accurate for the high viscosity products.

What if I don’t know the viscosity of my liquid product?

A viscosity test will need to be done to determine the product’s viscosity for CCCR compliance. At Dell Tech, we perform viscosity testing to ensure that the correct flash point method is chosen for CCCR compliance.

 What if I don’t need my flash point data to be compliant with CCCR or GHS?

Sometimes, a company may wish to test the flash point of their product purely for quality control comparison testing. Perhaps they had their product tested with a particular method in the past and they would like to use that method again, even if it is not compliant with CCCR or GHS. In this case, it is fine for the company to request the non-compliant method for such a purpose, but the results may not be applicable for a product intended for Canada consumers (CCCR) or workplace (GHS).

Dell Tech is an ISO 17025 accredited lab that offers viscosity included with flash point testing as part of determining your product’s flammability. Our experts can help you determine which test is the appropriate one for your company. Contact Dell Tech today!

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