Interim Order Concerning the Sale of Certain Natural Health Products Containing Ephedrine or Pseudoephedrine

 In Natural Health Products, news, Regulatory Affairs


Last week, on May 17, 2024, the Minister of Health introduced an Interim Order Concerning the Sale of Certain Natural Health Products Containing Ephedrine or Pseudoephedrine effecting products containing only these medicinal ingredients (individually or in combination). This order is meant to combat the misuse of these products to make controlled substances (mainly methamphetamine).

To address these risks, the Interim Order mandates that NHPs containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or both, can only be sold by pharmacists or pharmacy technicians in areas inaccessible to the public, such as behind-the-counter sales. The order also prohibits distributors from selling these products to non-pharmacy retailers. This measure ensures continued professional oversight and limits access, mitigating misuse and diversion risks.

The Interim Order will initially be in effect for 14 days, with a possibility of extension up to one year upon approval by the Governor in Council. The objective of the Interim Order is to maintain stringent controls on the sale of NHPs containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, preventing their misuse and protecting public health. This approach aligns with current provincial and territorial regulations and ensures a consistent national standard, safeguarding Canadians from the associated risks of these products.

Do you have a Natural Health Product that is impacted by this order? Have questions on how to proceed? Contact Dell Tech today!


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