Classification of Raw Materials
Choose Dell Tech’s 35+ years expertise classifying chemicals to support your raw material classification.
An incorrect product classification is potentially hazardous to end-users, the environment and your bottom. Avoid costly mistakes by working with Dell Tech’s experts in Product Safety to get it right the first time, starting with your raw materials.
Our team uses a variety sources, including ECHA, CCOHS, CSST, IARC and ACGIH to accurately classify ingredients. This informs your overall GHS product classification, SDS and shipping classification for TDG, DOT, IATA and IMDG.

The majority of Safety Data Sheet authoring programs do not classify raw materials and yet this is a critical step in authoring a compliant SDS. To determine the classification of a raw material, the following must be considered:
- Where is the data coming from?
- Were proper test methods used to determine the toxicological results from LD50/LC50?
- Are the data sources reliable?
- Are there specific country requirements for that particular chemical?
Dell Tech has been accurately classifying chemicals for over 35 years. In addition to extensive classification experience, our Product Safety Consultants are experts on both Canadian and US GHS regulations.
Dell Tech’s team will:
- Classify each discrete chemical within your formula
- Provide data sources to support your classification should you be audited
- Provide guidance on GHS classification
- Interpret raw material toxicological results

What are raw materials?
Raw materials are exactly as they sound – they are the materials, chemicals, or substances that are used in combination with each other as the formulation that form a final product. Raw materials can be anything and can range from not hazardous, such as water, to hazardous components like acids and toxic substances.
How do I determine the classification of a raw material?
In order to determine the classification of a raw material you must review many sources to confirm the correct classification. These sources are based on existing literature and test data. Some classifications require specific data such as pH or LD50/LC50 values. Knowing this kind of physical data is very beneficial in determining the correct final product classification. For example, LD50 values are needed for each component in a formulation to determine the overall LD50 value for the product. If this information is not available or is incorrect/out of date it can result in an incorrect final value which can lead to the wrong product classification.
Why are raw material classifications important?
It is important to know the classification of each of the raw materials you are using in a formulation because this is the only way to determine the overall classification for the final product. If the raw material classification is incorrect, it will result in an incorrect classification of the final product. The product classification determines the safety data sheet (SDS) or labelling requirements, which if completed incorrectly can lead to regulatory issues including penalties for non-compliance.
Do raw material classifications change?
Yes, raw material classifications can change over years or even months. Many sources are being updated throughout the year as more test data is added or as research is completed on the raw material.
What if the classification of a raw material is incorrect or misclassified?
An incorrect raw material classification can trickle down to effect the overall product classification. A misclassified product can lead to a hazardous product being labelled incorrectly or having insufficient information on the safety data sheet. These errors can be the cause of injured workers and even product recalls.