New Biocide Regulations Published: What You Need to Know

 In Biocides, news, Regulatory Affairs



On June 19th, 2024, the long-awaited Biocide Regulations were officially published in Gazette II, introducing new requirements for surface disinfectants and both food contact and non-food contact sanitizers. These regulations will impact the following product categories:


  1. Disinfectants and Disinfectant-Sanitizers: Products holding a Drug Identification Number (DIN) under the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR).
  2. Sanitizers Registered as Pesticides: Products used on non-living and non-liquid surfaces holding a Pesticide Control Product (PCP) number, regulated under the Pest Control Products Regulations (PCPR).
  3. Food Premise Surface Sanitizers: Products that previously did not require pre-registration.


These regulations introduce significant changes and uncertainties regarding the previous regulatory framework. You might be wondering about your responsibilities for products already registered under the FDR or PCPR, or those currently under review with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) or the Non-prescription and Natural Health Products Directorate (NNHPD).


For products registered or received before May 31, 2025, there is a four-year transition period, providing manufacturers until May 31, 2029, to ensure their products comply with the new Biocide Regulations. These products will benefit from a transition application pathway designed to streamline the compliance process. Additionally, surface sanitizers for food premises will have a six-year period to complete the registration process.


At Dell Tech, we are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible. If you have any questions about how these regulatory changes affect your products, please contact us for assistance.


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