Impact of Plain Language Labelling on Natural Health Products

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By: Joanna Chudyk, M. Sc., Regulatory Affairs Specialist


Natural Health Product Labelling Regulation

On July 6th 2022, Health Canada published the new Natural Health Product Labelling Regulations with the intention to improve transparency with the consumer. The goal was to improve the clarity, legibility, and comprehensibility of current Natural Health Product (NHP) labels.


The deadline for products licensed before June 21st, 2025 is June 21st, 2028.  For products licensed on or after June 21, 2025 they must comply immediately.

What You Need to Know about these NHP Regulations

The current NHP labelling regulations do not have an established format for presenting any risk or allergen information. The new regulations include the introduction of a Product Facts Table (PFT) that is meant to standardize the format of NHP product labels and improve consumers’ abilities to read and compare labels of different products. However, some criticisms of these changes are coming to light as the deadline for implementation approaches. The industry is mainly concerned with the significant costs they will incur to become compliant with the revisions, in addition to addressing all of the requirements in a limited amount of label space.

Will your company be impacted?

The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) has partnered with Deloitte to perform an economic impact analysis to determine the true cost of these changes and how all businesses will be significantly impacted. If you are an NHP Product License holder we encourage you to participate in the survey to have your voice heard.

How Dell Tech Can Help with your Natural Health Product Labelling

Do you have questions about the NHP Plain Language Labelling requirements? Would you benefit from participating in a training session with Dell Tech to prepare for the coming changes? Contact us today for a quote and let us help you make the transition to Plain Language Labelling easy!


Dell Tech has provided professional, confidential consulting services to the specialty chemical 

industry in Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia for the last 40 years.

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