Health Canada Recall Blitz: Toxic and Flammable Aerosols

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By: Teah Jazey, Regulatory Affairs & Product Safety Associate

Recently, there have been an increased number of consumer product recalls by Health Canada due to improper labelling or packaging. The two main issues are the following:

  1. Improper hazard symbols
  2. No child resistant packaging

The current blitz is focused on toxic and flammable aerosol products.

If your product contains flammable components is it very important that  you have the appropriate test data completed to back up your classification. Flammability classification can only be determined through flash point, flame projection and flashback tests as outlined in the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 (CCCR) in Sections 50-52. Dell Tech can assist you with aerosol testing.

Child resistant containers (CRCs) are required for a few different classifications – one being Toxic products. If your product is classified as Toxic, you MUST have CRC packaging. There are however, a few exemptions to this requirement that are outlined in the CCCR.

Proper symbols and having test data to back up your classifications are both extremely important. Some classifications are not permitted for sale in Canada and others will require certain statements to be present on the label.

Avoid a Health Canada recall – contact Dell Tech’s Product Safety team today for assistance reviewing your label, product classification and flammability testing data. We are always happy to help you navigate through the complexities of the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001!

For More Information, Contact Client Services:

Kim Samela 

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