CCCR 2001 – Child-Resistant Container Requirements and Corrosive Classifications

 In Product Safety

By: Kirsten Alcock, Principal Product Safety Consultant, email

The Canadian Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 (CCCR, 2001) contains some of the regulations that we must follow when classifying, packaging, and labeling a non-registered hazardous product for Canada. Note that I say some. There are many other requirements that go into properly packaging a product for sale in Canada.

One question that we are typically asked refers to the need for Child-Resistant Containers (CRCs) in Canada. If a product is required to have Child-Resistant Containers in the United States, it doesn’t necessarily mean that one is required within Canada. While you are certainly permitted to use a Child-Resistant Containers in Canada if it’s not required, why do it? CRCs are very expensive.

Not all classifications under the CCCR, 2001 require a Child-Resistant Containers. You will need to go to the CCCR regulations, determine your classification, and from there, the guidance will exist regarding when/if a Child-Resistant Container is needed.

If we look at products considered Very Corrosive or Corrosive Product under the CCCR, 2001, you will see that the regulations indicate that a Child-Resistant Containers is required when the following is met:

corrosive products

Note that there are exemptions as well.

large container exemption

If you are having difficulty determining the requirements for your compliant consumer CCCR 2001 package and label in Canada and would like our help, do not hesitate to contact us. We have been classifying products for consumer regulations for more than 40 years and have the expertise in-house to help you keep your product compliant with the current regulations as they stand today.

For further information on our services, please contact:

Dell Tech
Kirsten Alcock, B.Sc. (Hons) 
Principal Product Safety Consultant

Dell Tech has provided professional, confidential consulting services to the chemical specialty

industry in Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia for the last 40 years.

Contact us today for more information.


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