Canadian Consumer Compliancy: CCCR 2001 – CCCR Symbol Requirements

 In Product Safety

By: Kirsten Alcock, Manager of Product Safety, email

The Canadian Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 (CCCR 2001), contains the regulations that we must follow when classifying a non-registered product for sale within Canada. There are many requirements for CCCR 2001 consumer labels in Canada. One of the many things that make us different from our United States counterparts is symbols. The US has one symbol for consumer non-registered products. We have four.

Below you can see the symbols that we have for consumers. Note that they are DIFFERENT than the GHS symbols so please ensure you are using the appropriate symbol.

cccr 2001 symbol requirements

One thing that I’ve started to see in the consumer realm, is the inappropriate symbol on consumer products. As per the regulations, the hazard symbol must be an exact reproduction of the applicable symbol depicted in Schedule 2, except with respect to size and color.

I’m starting to see symbols with color on the inside, or an extra border surrounding the border already. It is imperative that you are using the exact symbol as per Schedule 2. You put yourself at risk for a RECALL if the inappropriate symbol is being used.

You can choose a different color but that’s as much leeway as you have.  As noted by Health Canada, the size will change as well. The size requirement is based on the main panel size. I’ve discussed in previous blogs how to determine your main panel size.

If you are having difficulty determining the requirements for your compliant consumer CCCR 2001 label in Canada and would like our help, do not hesitate to contact us. We have been classifying products for consumer regulations for more than 40 years and have the expertise in-house to help you keep your product compliant with the current regulations as they stand today.

For further information on our services, please contact:

Dell Tech
Kirsten Alcock, B.Sc. (Hons) 
Manager, Product Safety Group

Dell Tech has provided professional, confidential consulting services to the chemical specialty

industry in Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia for the last 40 years.

Contact us today for more information.

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