Bilingual Consumer Labeling- Where Does It Go?

 In Product Safety

By: Ivy Tang, Product Safety Specialist, email

Per the Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act and Regulations, all mandatory information on the label of a prepackaged product must be shown in both official languages. This includes consumer precautionary label elements (CCCR 2001) and product identity. Elements such as net quantity, a trademarked name, and place of business can be displayed in one of the official languages.

When determining your product’s Principal Display Panel, you may find there is more than one surface that can act as the PDP. As a result, mandatory information can be displayed in English on one surface, and in French on the other. This would not be acceptable if one of the languages is displayed on a surface with less prominence than the determined PDP.

There are exemptions to bilingual labeling for test market products, local products, and specialty products. Not sure if your product is compliant for labeling in Canada? Contact Dell Tech today.

Dell Tech Laboratories
Ivy Tang, B.Sc.
Product Safety Specialist
519-858-5021 ext 2043

Dell Tech has provided professional, confidential consulting services to the chemical specialty

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