Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Dell Tech provides comprehensive pre-market assessments and product registrations with Health Canada’s CFIA.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulates all fertilizers and supplements (substances other than fertilizers that improve the physical condition of soil or plant growth) that are imported and/or sold in Canada under the Fertilizers Act.
The Fertilizer Act requires that all regulated fertilizer and supplement products be properly labeled, and shown to be safe for humans, plants, animals, and the environment. The CFIA works together with provinces and municipalities to ensure that all products meet the highest standards of safety.
Dell Tech’s Regulatory Affairs professionals can complete the following to assist you with bringing your product to the Canadian market through CFIA approval:
- Develop and review labels
- Conduct pre-submission assessments
- Prepare and submit registration applications
- Act as a Canadian Agent for foreign companies
- Coordinate and develop dialogue with regulatory agencies
- Confirm ingredients listed on the approved feed ingredients listing
- Register processing aids for use in rendering plants and blood
- processing, meat processing plants, and fish processing plants

Jacqui Jenskey
Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Call: 519-858-5021 ext 2028
Assessment & Registration
CFIA’s pre-market assessment consists of a detailed evaluation of product information and labeling. Products that are exempt from registration are still subject to The Fertilizer Act and must meet all the necessary standards at the time of sale or import.
Most supplements and some fertilizers are subject to registration and will require a comprehensive pre-market assessment prior to their import and/or sale in Canada.
In Canada, all feed ingredients intended for use in livestock must be approved for market by the CFIA under the Feed Act and listed in Schedules IV and V of the Feeds Regulation (1983).
Feed ingredients and additives must be safe and support the utility of the feed for the target species under the intended conditions of use. Registration of some ingredients, as well as some mixed feeds, with the CFIA may also be required.
Under the authority of the provisions of Section 4(a) of the Food and Drugs Act (F&DA), the Bureau of Chemical Safety (BCS) evaluates the acceptability of various incidental additive products voluntarily submitted by manufacturers wishing to supply their products to food processors.
While not defined under the Food and Drugs Act (F&DA), incident additives may be regarded, for administrative purposes, as those substances that are used in food processing plants and that may potentially become adventitious residues in foods. They can include products that are regulated as drugs or cosmetics under Food and Drug Regulations (F&DR), but specifically exclude food additives and food packaging materials.
For products considered acceptable by the BCS, No-Objection Letters (LONOs) are issued, which may then be presented by the product manufactures to prospective food processor customers. A no-objection letter does not constitute an approval of the product under the Food and Drugs Act (F&DA) and Regulations (F&DR), rather it is simply an opinion expressed by the BCS on the acceptability of the product, based on the information available at the time of its evaluation.