Fragrance Allergens Disclosure in Cosmetics

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Health Canada is conducting a follow up survey to the previous Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) survey (Feb, 2022) for feedback on the proposed requirement to disclose specific fragrance allergens on cosmetic product labels.

Dell Tech encourages all stakeholders to participate. Download the survey here:
Fragrance Allergens – Cost-Benefit Analysis Questionnaire – ENG.
Fragrance Allergens – Cost-Benefit Analysis Questionnaire – FR.

Completed surveys must be emailed to no later than November 10, 2023. 


2021: The Consumer and Hazards Products Directorate (CHPSD) announced proposed amendments to the Cosmetic Regulations; namely a requirement for disclosure of specific fragrance allergens on product labels.

2022: A CBA survey distributed to stakeholders. 123 responses were received, with participating companies ranging in revenue from less than $1000 to more than $100M annually.

2023: In February, 2023, Health Canada pre-published the Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning the Disclosure of Cosmetic Ingredients in the Canada Gazette, Part I.

These proposed Regulations included by reference Annex III of the European Commission’s Cosmetic Products Regulations No. 1223/2009, as it relates to the disclosure of fragrance allergens.

The European Commission recently updated its list of fragrance allergens from 24 to 81 substances. The disclosure requirement would automatically apply to this updated list under Canada’s proposed Regulations.

Health Canada is now returning to stakeholders seeking additional feedback to understand the impact of the proposed Regulations given this change.

Email Jacqui if you have questions about these proposed Regulations.

Visit our main service page to see Dell Tech’s full list of services related to Cosmetic Regulations.




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