New Front-of-Package Nutrition Labelling Coming July 20, 2022

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By: Joanna Chudyk, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, email

Health Canada announced the release of new nutrition labelling regulations for packaged foods on June 30, 2022, just before the Canada Day long weekend. The new regulations, which come into effect on July 20, 2022, introduce a new requirement to include a front-of-package (FOP) nutrition symbol for foods high in one or more of the following: 1) sodium, 2) sugars, or 3) saturated fat. This change is intended to assist consumers in making healthy choices when purchasing food products.

food labeling

(Image source:

Any foods that currently require a Nutrition Facts Table (NFT) and meet/exceed the identified thresholds for the 3 nutrients will be obligated to include a FOP nutrition symbol. The threshold values are based on a percentage of the daily value per reference amount or serving. There are some exemptions to these new requirements including: vegetables and fruits, whole milk, eggs, vegetable oils, nuts, fatty fish, and select dairy products.

The deadline to comply with these new regulations are January 1, 2026. If you have questions or concerns regarding these new requirements, or require assistance determining whether these changes will apply to your products, contact one of our experts today!

Dell Tech
Joanna Chudyk, M. Sc. 
Regulatory Affairs Specialist

Dell Tech has provided professional, confidential consulting services to the chemical specialty

industry in Canada, the USA, Europe, and Asia for the last 40 years.

Contact us today for more information.

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